
Aug 18, 20232 min read
Better Walks in Unwalkable Neighbourhoods
In many neighbourhoods, there are sidewalks, small parks every few blocks, and bike paths behind the houses. All of this should...

Aug 18, 20233 min read
Where Would You Get Your Groceries? Here’s Our Experience.
The difference between local stores and large scale grocery stores is interesting, and comparing two stores is a good way to understand...

Aug 18, 20233 min read
Is Centrepointe Walkable? What Doesn't Fit In?
Centerpointe is a very respectable neighbourhood to live in. There are restaurants, lots of businesses, a few schools nearby and a big park.

Mar 23, 20234 min read
Britannia Beach Could Be Better
We asked students to contribute to the conversation about walkable neighbourhoods in Ottawa. Here's what Yasmina Achkar has to say.

Jan 30, 20233 min read
Walkability Only Downtown?
Some urban planning narratives suggest that downtown should be our only walkable neighbourhood. But is that true?

Apr 8, 20222 min read
Rural Villages: Tourism Gems, right outside your front door
My dad was obsessed with the no-motor-vehicle vacation. The perfect trip of hiking, biking, kayaking, cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing...

Jan 6, 20222 min read
My Compliments to the Cut-Through
During this past year of attending meetings related to Ottawa’s new Official Plan, I have been introduced to a new term: the “cut-through”.

Jan 6, 20223 min read
It Takes A Village
A much-favoured term in property marketing is “village”... it evokes a cute, low-rise, dense conglomeration of similar buildings...

Oct 22, 20212 min read
Tree. Human. Car.
Tree. Human. Car. The discussion around Ottawa’ Official Plan suggests that we have room for two, but not all three.

Oct 12, 20214 min read
Flying Blind: the Value of Simulators
The value of modeling is clear. Simulation and modeling allow us to understand what is likely to happen under certain conditions.

Oct 8, 20214 min read
The City’s Intensification Strategy is Not Just About Adding Density…. Or is it?
The City’s new Official Plan includes some terrific language that suggest a much-needed revised approach to intensification.

Oct 6, 20214 min read
Intensification Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard – Just Ask the Locals
Why does intensification have to be so hard? ...Conflict around intensification is rooted in much more than just “resistance to change”.

Sep 21, 20213 min read
Unfortunately, Betty is Not a Crow
Imagine an elderly lady named Betty, living in a senior’s residence in Heron Park. She just witnessed the first snowfall of the season...

Sep 21, 20213 min read
A Bridge to Billings Bridge
No business can survive without customers. Most businesses will tell you there’s no such thing as too many customers.

Sep 10, 20213 min read
I’m Dreaming of a Bikeable Walkley
Walkley Road connects two of Ottawa’s great recreation areas. On the east end, sits the Mer Bleue conservation area....

Sep 10, 20213 min read
Time to Face the Street
If there’s one thing everyone on the planet can agree on, it’s that we all hate traffic. We hate being in it, we hate being near it.

Aug 18, 20212 min read
It’s Time We Were Thru with the Drive-Thru
Nothing is as difficult to incorporate into a walkable streetscape as a Drive-Thru. The whole concept is to be served in the car.

Aug 18, 20213 min read
What We Can Learn from Harry the Dirty Dog
The most difficult part of advocating for walkable communities in this age, is painting the picture of what they might look like.

Aug 18, 20213 min read
Advertising the Automobile
Up until 1997, it was legal in Canada to advertise cigarettes. The ads that I remember from childhood consistently promised the smoker...

Jul 7, 20213 min read
The Transformative Power of a Foot Bridge
"A footbridge makes it practical for the non-driving population to work, live or attend school on the other side of the bridge."